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PerMix Vacuum Mixer

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PerMixPerMix Vacuum Mixer

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PerMix Vacuum Mixer & Dryer

The PerMix Universal Vacuum Processor / Vacuum Mixers are more than a single emulsifying mixer, but a vacuummixing, dispersing and emulsifying system that is used whenever a high quality and absolutely air-free product is required as with the PerMix PMS series Multi-Shaft Mixer, but at a lower cost.

The PerMix Universal Vacuum Processor / Vacuum Mixers cater to various work processes which normally require more machinery in one system. In the PerMix PVC series Universal Vacuum Processor / VacuumMixer, base materials can be mixed in liquids, dispersed and homogenized while at the same time all air is removed. This produces stable emulsions with a long shelf life in storage.

  1. PerMix PVC Universal Vacuum Processor / Vacuum Mixer includes a mixing tank (with or without jacket), an internal slow running anchor mixer, and an external inline high shear mixer. The inline mixer has several inlet ports, and the main inlet is connected with the bottom discharge of the tank, with other two inlets connected with other liquid and powder tanks. The inline mixer’s outlet goes back to the top section of the mixing tank.
  2. The basis of this plan is the PerMix innovative inline mixer, which has a mixing, dispersing and emulsifying head with multi-working chambers. It can be supplied with mixing vanes, dispersion components or emulsifying tools. For each operation, these components can be interchanged or combined so that the mixer operates to suit every product possibility.
  3. The pump action allows the product to circulate from the feed hoppers through the working hopper continuously. All the parts that come in contact with the product are stainless steel.

PerMix Universal Processor Specification

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