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PerMix Sigma Mixer

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PerMixPerMix Sigma Mixer

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PerMix Sigma Mixer

The PerMix PSG series Sigma Mixer, which is also known as the Double Sigma Mixer, or Double Z Blade Mixer, is used for the mixing-kneading of materials with very high viscosity (over 500,000 cps).

PerMix Sigma Mixer models lead the industry in engineering, innovation, performance, & quality, all while maintaining an affordable price point that everyone can afford.

The Sigma Mixer’s unique design of Z-shaped mixing tools installed in two semi-cylinders, the PerMix Sigma Mixer is able to provide the combined functions of compressing, stretching, folding, kneading & mixing, which makes it widely used in the chemical, food, sealing compound and paint industries, among others.

To further add to the diversity of the Sigma Mixer, we can add an extruder below the mixer which allows products to be discharged in a precise, uniform and metered discharge with forming capability.

In the PerMix PSG series Sigma Mixer, there are two special designed Z-shaped rotating elements installed in a W-shaped chamber, the intersection of which forms a saddle piece and meeting tangentially just above the saddle. They rotate at different speeds (usually in the ratio of 3:2) and in opposite direction.

There are mainly three ways for discharging the product after mixing:

  1. Tilting Tank
    For small machines (PSG-1 to PSG-15), tilting can be done manually with a mechanical type (hand
    lever or hand wheel). For greater machines, electro-mechanically or hydraulically powered tilting system is supplied. PerMix supplies the feature that at tilted position, the blade will rotate at low speed (usually 20% of full speed) in reverse direction to aid the discharge by pushing two buttons with both hands.
  2. Extrusion Screw 
    The extrusion-discharge screw is located in the saddle section and runs in a cylindrical trough tangential to, and below the 2 mixing blades. During the mixing cycle the screw moves the material within the reach of the mixingblades, thus assuring a thorough blending of all the ingredients, and, at the same time, accelerating the mixingprocess. At discharge time, the direction of rotation of the screw is reversed and the mixed material is extruded through suitable die openings in the side of the machine. The extrusion screw has its own separate drive so that blades and screw operate independently.
  3. Bottom Discharge
    The Sigma Mixers, since also used in pastes, reductions, and concentrates, can also be equipped with a bottom type discharge valve, which allows for discharge via two valves, located on each side of mixing trough.

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PerMix Sigma Mixer Specification

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